Wednesday, August 3, 2011

mid afternoon mini blog from our friend at Two Giggly Girls.

Oddly enough she uses Winter Promise....and she's NOT giggling. She also weilds the profanity paintbrush like a true Picasso so continue reading at your own risk!
                           you may remember her from a previous post as the woman who's to blame...

Here's a day in her WP life......Don't say I didn't warn you.....

So we're here doing school and we get this assignment for the book Material World which reads

"Complete Material World Statistics Chart Activity Help 1"

So I open the book trying to find this statistics charts, which one would assume would be near the beginning  since this is only our second day and we haven't even opened the book before.  No dice.  So I spend 10 minutes going through every page because, of course, there is no page number.  Nothing.

So I double check the IG for notes.  Nothing.  Just that little blurb.  So I started looking through my other books and "notebooking" pages thinking that it might be somewhere else.  Of course not.

So I grab the IG and start going through page by page due to the lack of index or any sensible organization.  I find activity help 1 "Material World" Statics Chart worksheet crammed between the last lesson page sheet and the cultural gathering planning sheets.  Apparently they wanted it there because it was page 98 and the last lesson plan was 97 and the title page for the planning sheets was 99.

Are they freaking kidding me??  I spent an hour trying to find this crappy piece of busy work.  An hour that I should have been educating my child.   

And if that wasn't a big enough kick in the pants, you can't even complete the damed thing because some of the questions asked aren't covered on the pages they told us to read in the book.  So I look through entire book again and the four mystery answers aren't covered in it at all.

Stupid, clap-ridden morans.  Are they hiring junkies to write this shit?

Oh and at the bottom of the sheet...

"You may want to laminate it or copy it onto cardstock so it will serve you well this year."

FU Don.  I paid $90 dollars for this pile of slop.  It should've already been on card stock.  (Yes Don, card stock is actually two words not one, ass hat. Sorry that you, and everyone at that crack house you call a business, are stupid.)  

You might want to copy this for your blog. ROFL

Now I'm going to email Don to find the mystery answers. 

Oh Yes my friend I most certainly DO want to copy this for my blog!
Please feel free to send your thoughts our way whenever the mood strikes you.

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