Friday, August 5, 2011

Week 2 Wrap Up

We're still on our death beds with this plague but we managed to finish school anyway. Yay us!

I've mentioned before that Friday's are not scheduled in Winter Promise, they want you to use the day for any catching up on projects that need to be done.....since we did all our projects during the week all we had left was Stuffie's language arts and spelling tests, both kid's math tests and science.

I'm surprised to find science being the one subject this year that keeps getting skipped and left till Friday. Normally I save that honor for read alouds.....I'm sure it has something to do with how it's scheduled last in the day....anyway it was simple stuff like the cross-word....
and the mini books....

 which we added to the sun collage page because I didn't have any magazines on hand to cut collage pictures out of because I threw them all in the recycling can Tuesday (have I mentioned that I have a habit of throwing everything away?)

Stuffie and I did some more talking about verbs in First Language Lessons which is the best LA program EVER! I mean it!
I wish I had known about it when I started with Kung Fu. If I had maybe he would be using capital letters when spelling United States on his test this week....maybe.
I marked it wrong even though he spelled it right because it's not right if you don't capitalize....sorry about your luck. ha! Still a B is OK in our neck of the woods.
Stuffie didn't do to shabby either....
she got a sticker because she made all her letters fit correctly on the line for every word...we've been working on that and it made me happy :) I mean just look at the T in tug! beautiful!

Math was successful as well this week......
                                           yay Kung Fu!! Double stickers for 100%

and here's Stuffie's

At lunch today I casually asked them some questions about history, for example "Can you tell me about the Line of Demarcation?" and "Who was St.Brendan? Leif Ericsson? Christoper Columbus?" Kung Fu knew everything and Stuffie answered "I don't know." to everything. sigh.

Next week both kids have camp so we are taking the week off from school....I'm hoping our friend at Giggly Girls will be our guest one day and tell us how things are going with 'Children Around The World'.

I'm going to spend my child free time at Starbucks..... with my's going to be awesome!

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