I'm all about putting my money where my mouth is.
Most everyone that knows me can tell you if I complain about something that needs to be fixed I'll also be the first person in the line to volunteer my time, energy and money to fix it. So with that being said here's my awesome idea for karate camp.
First I would completely cover the windows facing the parking lot with craft paper.
On the outside I would have advertising about the school and the awesome camp. Maybe pictures hinting at what's going on in the awesome camp.
Inside I would have borrowed fake trees and plants and stuff from everyone I could and I would change the entire place into a mystical karate warrior school where only the most awesome and brave warriors could train. I would have scenes painted on the craft paper covering windows and around the boarder of the mirrors (with washable window paints) to add to the awesome decor. A mini bridge over a paper river, wood and paper walls....you get the idea.
This serves two purposes...it makes the camp special and it makes the kids who come for regular class bug their parents to go to camp.
There would be traditional Korean music playing as well as one of those cd's where you hear outside sounds like birds and water running......
There should be a dry ice machine blowing fog of course.
On the 1st day there would be an instructor at the door handing out strips of muslin or some similar fabric that is cut and ready to use to make awesome warrior headbands that they can wear during camp. The person at the door would set the scene and let them into the changed school in groups as to keep the 'game' going.
Once inside they would deposit their gear in an established area and proceed to the 1st station where they can make their headband by choosing from various Korean characters or have them pre selected by groups....say all the collar levelers get one symbol and all the rapid ranks another.
At the beginning warm up time I would surprise them by having Kung Fu Panda warm them up.
When it's time to do forms I would have meditative music and near silence with dimmed lights and challenge them to be in sync as much as they are able.
At weapons time I would have the instructors do skits that impart the history of the lesson (IN A FUN RELAXED WAY)....for example how the comma was originally a scythe and then demonstrate and then teach the kids....
When it's time to spar I would make it into a game like some kind of mock battle...like warring villages or something similar....the winners would get the 'spoils' like a fake treasure or something that the other village could try and win the next time....
Each day I would surprise them with a different warm up instructor.... even if their instructors just dress as someone else and make them laugh.
Each day I would have a different craft or activity for them to do like painting Korean letters, head bands, t-shirts with puffy paints, chopstick lessons....stuff like that, that they could also bring home and keep as a memento. This could be during the lunch break.
Of course on the final day the school owner would be there to warm them up and play with them, and congratulate them on their hard work and award them their belts and collars.
I would also make sure there were coolers full of fresh ice water available for the kids to refill their water bottles! DUH!
Before the nay-sayers chime in I'll add that I've seen the school trot out the Kung Fu Panda costume numerous times, I've seen the windows covered over for a black belt ceremony, at the ceremony they had a dry ice 'mist'. The trees and plants and other decor can be placed safely and moved out of the way for regular class time. The parents. including MYSELF would be more than willing to volunteer to do the craft stuff at lunches. It's not the parents or the students preventing this camp from being awesome.....
just sayin'
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