Monday, August 8, 2011

Let's play Silent Bean..... or ===> because it had to be said.

Here's how it works.
You come to the karate school at 8 am.
Stand against a wall for support and kick your leg until you're in pain,while you're kicking your leg I'm going to  encourage you (AT THE TOP OF MY VOICE) to keep going and not rest. Then I'm going to threaten you that if you do put your leg down you'll have to do it all over again and so will your classmates some of whom are 6 years old.
 Now switch legs.
Next I'm going to yell as loud as I can various moves I want you to execute perfectly and remember in sequence. Each time I yell the move at the top of my voice over the blaring music you say  "yes ma'am" or "yes sir" at the top of your voice. Ooops you forgot so you have to do 10 push-ups.
Now you get a break- so drink water and have a snack....... unless your parents didn't get the memo that they could pack snacks which of course they didn't because we don't send memo's...... and then get back out there for more of the same FUN.
At lunch time when you want to relax and possibly chat with your friends we're going to finally get around to playing a game. Because everybody knows camp isn't for making learning FUN it's for making you wish you were dead.
The game is called SILENT BEAN.
 Never mind that we've been screaming at you at the top of our voices for the past 4 hours now's the time for quiet. Yes that's right we're going to be quiet and toss around a bean bag and if you miss it you have to sit out and watch the other kids have fun playing this awesome game called 'SILENT BEAN' (we named it ourselves..... )
 After lunch we're going to yell commands at the top of our voices for 3 and 1/2 more hours. Isn't camp FUN! And listen to this kids.....what?! You can't hear my screaming over the obnoxiously loud music? Here I'll scream louder....WE'RE GOING TO DO THIS EVERYDAY FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK!!!
Yes can you believe your luck?! Your loving parents with good intentions paid over $350 so you could do the exact same thing you do in class, day after day, all week, for 8 hours a day, with out variation so you can level up your Instructor Collar. At the end of it all they also get to pay for the tailor to sew on the different color ribbon that they have to purchase. HOW FANTASTIC IS THAT!?!?!?
What do you get you may ask....besides a head ache each night and the fantastic new collar??
Why get to be the most supreme "QUIET BEAN" player in the whole world!
Now why don't we play it some more......


Ray said...

At least they are in the A/C!

Mean Mama Bear said...

I can't argue with that logic....

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