It's been almost 3 months since I blogged....
I've been busy living the life of a homeschooling mother...
There have been a few occasions when I should have gotten on here and gone ape-shit over Don and his amazing lack of ability but truly at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is get on the computer again....
It's usually smut and Words With Friends.....
Lately though.... as Christmas approaches.....I've been reading on line and hearing people say something that chaps my hide enough that I have to rant about it so I'll feel better.....because it's all about me feeling better.
OK so here it is.....
Christmas was started from a pagan holiday and has nothing to do with Jesus.
(insert eye roll here...)
So here's what I I'm always right you can just think it too.....
Celebrating Christmas may well have started out as a way for the Catholic church to make it easier for non believing people to feel more comfortable joining the church but that doesn't make it any less meaningful....
YOU make it less meaningful.....
YOU use that as an excuse to change what can be a time to grow your relationship with Christ and His Father into a meaningless frenzy of stress and crap.
YOU have made it into a time of gift giving instead of receiving.
Instead why don't you read your Bible more, pray more, go to church more. Spend more time listening for HIM.
These days the Catholic church uses this time to encourage us to focus less on the outside crap collection and more on the inside crap cleaning.
Just because we don't know the exact date and time of Jesus' birth doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate it!
Rejoice for unto to us a Savior is born!
Whatever day it was GOD gave us a GIFT that is beyond measure that we should thank Him for every single day. That being said there is no harm is having a special time during the year to really focus on the meaning of that Gift and how we can use the gift of Jesus to change us and the world.
I'll tell you something else that gets my back up.....
People who use the holiday to feed their greed. It shouldn't be used as an excuse for you to buy crap for every person you've ever known and then bitch about the expense and the stress.....
YOU do that to your self.
YOU cheapen it and make it into a commercial pig fest.
If you still believe Christmas is a pagan holiday ....
Don't put up a tree----the evergreen a symbol of God's ever love for us....
Don't eat any candy canes....a symbol of the Shepard's crook....
Don't accept the Christmas bonus.
Don't make the fancy dinner.
Don't take the day off.
Don't go to all the holiday parties.
Don't accept any gifts.
Please don't take part in any of the celebrations.
Most of all please don't give any gifts....
I give gifts to the children in my life because I'm so happy.
I'm happy that I can share the love inside me by gifting them and seeing their excitement and smiles.
I gift them with THINGS certainly but more importantly I gift them with the entire advent season.
I gift them with the reason to celebrate the season.
I gift them because it's a worldly symbol of the gift that was given to me and to all of us.
The gift of Jesus our Lord, the Messiah,the Prince of Peace.