I think I'll start holding it up when the kids give me attitude.
They don't tell you when you start homeschooling that there will be days your children decide that they are going test you to the utter limits of the patience God gave you.....I get especially aggravated when they tell me what they are going to do. Don't mistake me.....I am all about them expressing their likes and dislikes. I don't want to be an overlord. But at the end of the day school is non-negotiable. So with a small amount of grumbling here's what we got done.....
Math tests went very well! I was especially pleased with Stufffie.
Not to be out done Kung-Fu knocked it out of the park! He got an 89...which is a B...not to shabby! The picture is on my ipod and I have no idea how to post it here.....sorry Kung-Fu!
We are almost done with our first Time Travelers unit.... we finished Explorers....PIRATES are next!
see ya fellas!
And we colored this nifty Mission. Because the explorers didn't just wipe out the natives with disease they also thought it would be a good idea to kill them in the name of our Lord.....
What a bunch of dummies!
We also made this map that shows where each explorer explored in the New World.....
Cutting out each tiny little head and gluing them was tons of fun! no really....Kung-Fu opted NOT to color his...and that was a decision I was happy to let him make.....
We also made this cool 3D map.....we really like these. And this week they both colored with markers so it matches.....it's the little things that thrill me....
Love the temple and the Spaniards prancing around....
Our extremely crappy State Study continues to bore. I'm thinking this week I'll order something different. Because what we're doing it just useless. I know they aren't learning ANYTHING!
The workbook is really uninspiring....it's a shame....not just the black and whiteness of it...it's the utter YAWN factor.....
I tossed around the idea of using it to the bitter end but at the end of the day it's more important that my kids learn the geography of the US then it is for me to have more fuel to pour on the fire that is Winter Promise publications.
We skipped the 2nd assignment of Picture Studies this week because we are so sick of the 'new' picture from last week that we were ready to cry with boredom. Luckily I have some Come Look With Me books around that I'm going to supplement with.
Kung Fu continued to enjoy the WP Language arts....color me surprised....
yes I know that some of the nouns aren't nouns and we did talk about what a noun is so relax.
Spelling tests went super...
Kung Fu.
Here's Stuffie's letter to Jesus.....
seriously the cutest sweetest thing EVER! I can only imagine how Jesus feels.....
Mrs.Lewis the kid's music teacher is going to get the weekly Bible verse as a welcome back to music school gift.....
Sorry Leigh...it was music related and you like fish....except to eat.
She also drew another picture inspired by Writing With Ease.
it's Misty of Chincoteague. And according to Stuffie it looks just like her because she knows what she looked like and she wants to go see her stuffed and mounted on Chincoteage Island. We're going to go in a couple of weeks and if I find this stuffed and mounted horse I'm posting that lovely photo of death!
Kung Fu is never inspired to draw a picture after Writing With Ease.....
Apologia Astronomy is, as usual, totally awesome. We studied the Earth this week....
There were the regular pages of fascinating facts, mini-books, what do you remember? But my favorites were the pages where they can draw their own Earth...
Wanted earth...I'm not sure what the Earth did to cause it to be wanted but there you have it.
We did a bunch of bike riding this week because the weather is so nice.....
she scares me less and less each time we ride out....
Kung Fu got a new bike because he's to big for kids sized bikes.....
Being a man sized boy has it's perks. He already wiped out and has a nasty scrape on his elbow.
we met up with our buddy at the AC Moore and made the last summer craft...it involved creasing....
"What do you mean crease?" Why didn't she just say FOLD???
Behold the CREASERS...it's like greasers only with FOLDING!
And that's our week in a nutshell.
Tomorrow the public schools are back in session and we're taking the whole week off...because we can. We've got a 5 week head start and like we usually do we're going to go camping.
I feel sorry for the kids who's mom's can't wait for them to go back to school and I feel sorry for the mom's who miss their kids while they are away.
I'm am ever thankful that God has blessed us so we can live the homeschooling life and I hope I can be worthy of the gift he has given me in my children.